Сьогодні святкуємо День Гідності та Свободи. Зовсім недавно хлопці з Небесної Сотні віддали своє життя на благо нашої Батьківщини. Вони були впевнені, що настане кращий час у нашій державі. Вони цього прагнули та були готові віддати найцінніше - своє життя. Мене проймає гордість коли згадую час Майдану. Ця сила волі, спрага покращити життя. На очі навертаються сльози. Я надіюся, що й наше молоде покоління ніколи не забуде їхнього подвигу, адже нема нічого більш гідного, ніж загинути за свою Батьківщину. Сьогодні у нашій гімназії провели лінійку, на якій вшанували пам'ять Героїв Небесної Сотні. Я всім своїм серцем бажаю, щоб сучасна молодь була такою ж патріотичною, як наша Небесна Сотня.
вівторок, 22 листопада 2016 р.
неділя, 20 листопада 2016 р.
The International Day of Peace at my school
One of the elements of teaching is teaching to be a patriot of your country. Ukraine is a beautiful and amazing country with seas, rivers, mountains, forests. Nature is unbelievable here. In my town, you can see river Siret, mountains Stizhok and a big forest. The air here is fresh. I like my native town and my country. I love being Ukrainian and I always ask my pupils to realise that they are the future of our country, so they have to be educated, smart and good citizens of our town. On September 21, we celebrate the International Day of Peace. During this day I offered my students to pray for Ukraine in English and we discussed how important peace is for us at this moment. I hope my students became even more patriotic after my lesson. It is my task to show them that they have to be good representatives of our country,
Great website for teaching reading
It is very important to teach pupils letters. Teaching letters in not a boring process. It can be a great fun. Knowing sounds and letters is the basis for the further language learning. I like using different materials. They include the Internet resources and the paper ones. Today I'd like to share with you one great website. It helps me to find some fresh ideas about teaching letters, sounds, word-combinations. I hope you'll find this website useful. Here is the link to it. http://www.themeasuredmom.com/teaching-reading/
Contest of the compositions
We don't like wasting time! When I heard there would be a contest of compositions between the pupils of the 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th forms, I was sure my pupils would like to take part in it. Four pupils from the 8th form: Serhii Mendryshora, Dmytro Vorotniak, Snizhana Boshchuk and Inna Havaleshko took part in this contest. Their task was to write the composition about their home place. I think the topic is very interesting and I really liked my pupils' compositions. They wrote about their home and about Berehomet in general. At the end of the contest, the pupils got their certificates. Thanks to the people who organised it because all pupils were awarded with them. Here is the photo of two pupils, Serihii and Snizhana. I'm proud of my pupils because they show the result of my work.
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